Sunday, December 25, 2011
12-25-11 Purple - New Name
Christmas Present - Our little girl figured out which name she would like today. I had a list of names and called them out. She responded to two names by putting her ears up. I will take her pictures tomorrow with Koa's, then post.
Monday, December 19, 2011
New Personalities Emerging.....
This morning little Miss Purple turned into a DEMOLITIONIST!
And Koa shows her determination!
Greenlee is in a crate being a good girl. I want to give her more crate training time since she is coming home to Austin today!
The nine week siblings cannot get along kicked in about 3:50 this morning. I forgot to give them their 11pm snack, so they were up early and wouldn't go back to sleep. The girls just wanted to wrestle! It happens and why they should be separated at nine weeks. The girls are now enjoying music from Afternoon in Tuscany!
Koa and little miss purple no name have their own pens which I have filled with stuffed animials which represent their siblings. I put their boxes back in their pens. At times (like at night), I have to take their boxes out because they can wake us up scratching at them like a ton of mice in the house would sound.
This morning little Miss Purple turned into a DEMOLITIONIST!
And Koa shows her determination!
Greenlee is in a crate being a good girl. I want to give her more crate training time since she is coming home to Austin today!
The nine week siblings cannot get along kicked in about 3:50 this morning. I forgot to give them their 11pm snack, so they were up early and wouldn't go back to sleep. The girls just wanted to wrestle! It happens and why they should be separated at nine weeks. The girls are now enjoying music from Afternoon in Tuscany!
Koa and little miss purple no name have their own pens which I have filled with stuffed animials which represent their siblings. I put their boxes back in their pens. At times (like at night), I have to take their boxes out because they can wake us up scratching at them like a ton of mice in the house would sound.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
I have been switching puppies in and out of a pen where they stay for awhile by themselves.
Koa and Duncan have been in there several times and have adjusted over the last few days.
I'm holding Pinkie (Lt Pink) at the computer now. She was doing well until a few moments ago, but now she is doing great because she has all my attention!
Brodie has been doing so well. He enjoys being by himself.
Koa and Duncan have been in there several times and have adjusted over the last few days.
I'm holding Pinkie (Lt Pink) at the computer now. She was doing well until a few moments ago, but now she is doing great because she has all my attention!
Brodie has been doing so well. He enjoys being by himself.
Monday, December 12, 2011
12-13-11 Commands
Today, we went to the sofa and snuggled. I brought a little chew stick (given to me by my neighbor - listed on website) to keep their attention while I loved them. They have a ton of energy now, so you will have to entertain them with the chew while loving them. Plus, the teeth are very sharp and wanting to eat you. Don't let them eat on you. Stick something in their mouths.
I started feeding them chicken from my hands today to get them to sit. These kids have not been interested in taking treats all this time (maybe because they started eating so early). I went to the store and found some new crunchy treat which I have used for training in the past and will try them tomorrow.
They did start to SIT! Some even did DOWN!
Before I left for the gym today, Lt Purple, Purple, and Lt Pink had taken the roof of their house. They were taking a nap in the top of the box! It was too precious. I will post a picture soon!
They were active tonight! I had three under foot while trying to cook, so I could keep 2 in each pen. I think I will be pulling out another pen tomorrow. They are learning to be dominant and have too much energy! I'm going to split them up, so some aren't so rough on the others!
CoCo is really getting to enjoy and play with this litter. She is teaching them to play. Hot Pink (Koa) doesn't know it, but she has met her match in CoCo MaMa! Koa hangs in there with her mama! I will try and post video. We have a ton of kids playing in the kitchen on video, but some of it is too long to load. I have to try and keep them short.
Ringing the Sleigh Bells - I had to teach Coco to ring the bells. I think these kids will be naturals!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
12-10-11 Wild Birthday Morning! (8 Weeks Old)
CoCo and too many puppies! Can you see CoCo's eyes?
There is strength in numbers!
It was a WILD morning with Koa and Little Pinkie leading the way for fun!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Today, we are playing Scottish Moors music for Our Scottish Cairn Clan!
We also tried the grooming equipment noises and rattling a plastic Wal-mart bag. Greenlee and Lt Pink are having some problem and hide in their puppy houses. We will keep trying!
We also tried the grooming equipment noises and rattling a plastic Wal-mart bag. Greenlee and Lt Pink are having some problem and hide in their puppy houses. We will keep trying!
Monday, December 5, 2011
12-05-11 Puppy Personalities
#1 - Hot Pink (Koa) - Female - Born 3:40AM - Growling on the Move (11-03-11), Saw Me Moving (11-04-11), Came when Called (11-04-11), Squirmy (11-04-11), First to the Food, Teething on Pen, Plays with both groups, Likes Chewing on #4, Sleeps on #6 and #4, Licks #3 Ear, Sleeps Behind Crate (11-12-11); Alpha (11-14-11), First to Makes Eye Contact (11-14-11), Recognizes Movement and Watches (11-14-11), Really Squirmy (11-14-11), Begs to Be Picked Up (11-17-11), Left Pawed (11-18-11), Scaled Wall (11-21-11), Teeth still hurting her brings out a Cairn temper, Follows well, Works with #2 to Pull Carpet out of Houses while others trying to sleep(12-05-11)
#2 - Lt Pink - Female - Born 4:00 AM - Tied her Cord - Larger Head (10-15-11), Slow to Get BF (11-04-11), Moves Quickly (11-06-11), Two Relaxed Long Yawns (11-06-11), Doesn't like Beginning Put on Back (11-07-11), Plays with Lt Blue while everyone is sleeping (11-12-11), Likes to Sleep (11-14-11), Snuggles (11-15-11), Wants to Be Picked Up (11-17-11), Playful (11-19-11), Determined to get Food (11-21-11), Good Eye Contact (11-21-11), Cairn Run with #3 (12-01-11), Quick, Loves to Be Held, Works with #1 to Pull Carpet out of Houses while others trying to sleep (12-05-11)
#3 - Dark Purple - Female - Born 4:50 AM- First to Open Eyes (10-26-11), No Squirming (11-06-11), Nice Relaxed Yawn (11-06-11), Sleeps on #4 (11-12-11), 2nd to Fall Asleep (11-12-11), Right Pawed (11-17-11), More Sleeping (11-17-11), Looked at Me (11-19-11), Climber (11-19-11), Started Playing with Rag Bone (11-19-11), Investigating (11-19-11), Cairn Runn with #2 (12-01-11, Cuddles, More delicate but will Play with Mates, Alert, Stubborn - Not Wanting to Make Eye Contact with Me (12-05-11)
#4 - Dark Blue - Male - Born 5:26 AM (Took 3 minutes), His feet came out first and were out of the sack - sack was open, I helped push him out, Slow to get BF (11-04-11), Little Squirmy (11-06-11), Likes to Chew on #6 (11-12-11); Jumpy in his dreams (11-14-11), Like to Sleep (11-14-11), Snuggler (11-14-11), Started Playing with Rag Bone and #3 (11-19-11), Squirmy (11-19-11), Was Sleeping on the Wrong Side of the Pen Before Separating (11-24-11), Larger Not As Much Playing - Catching Up With Activity (12-05-11); Playing Not As Rough; Stubborn - Not Wanting to Make Eye Contact With Me (12-05-11)
#5 - Lt Purple - Female - Mystery Time Before 11:00AM - Didn't know she had been born until I was getting CoCo ready to go to Vet - Moonwalked (11-11-11), Chewing Teeth coming in (11-14-11); Having fun playing in boxes (11-14-11); Squirmy (11-14-11); Beat Koa in Scaling the Wall the most times (11-21-11); Cuddles, More Delicate, Probably Smaller Body, Very Alert - Watches Everything; Big Investigator; Plays well with Siblings, Pooped in Her Water Dish, Has a Hard Time Taking Shots, Loves to Scamper About in the Kitchen Investigating (12-05-11)
#6 - Green - Female - C-Section around 6:30PM - Good with Held (11-06-11); Yawned with Puppy Breath (11-06-11); 1st Asleep (11-12-11); Sleeps Behind the Crate (11-12-11), Eye Contact (11-14-11); Squirmed (11-17-11); Begs to be Picked up with Body and Eyes (11-17-11); Loves to Tear Paper (11-24-11), Probably will be smaller due to head is smaller, Sits to Beg Automatically (12-05-11)
#7 - Lt Blue - Male - C-Section around 6:30 PM - Loves to Sleep in Crate (11-06-11); Yawn with a little squeel like Flopsie (11-07-11), Likes to Sleep in Bed (11-12-11), Was Getting Picked On (11-12-11), Likes to Go After Lt Pink (11-12-11), Answered to COME (11-14-11), Snuggles (11-17-11), Climber (11-19-11), Wants to be Picked Out, Stands out in the dark ones with his color, Great Eye Contact, Likes to Be Loved, Can Hold His Own Now and Sometimes Picks on others, Sat down and Howled Tonight, Likes to Sleep Beside the Water Bowl(12-05-11)
12-04-11 Every hard to get any pictures of them because they are constantly moving. Still need to get some of the movers - #5 and #6!
12-05-11 All ears are up. All like sleeping in the boxes now - snuggling together. After get them together in kitchen, nearly all will stay together and run around island with me (a couple go in the opposite direction at times). Had hard time going to sleep tonight - wide awake and playing. All is quiet at midnight.
#2 - Lt Pink - Female - Born 4:00 AM - Tied her Cord - Larger Head (10-15-11), Slow to Get BF (11-04-11), Moves Quickly (11-06-11), Two Relaxed Long Yawns (11-06-11), Doesn't like Beginning Put on Back (11-07-11), Plays with Lt Blue while everyone is sleeping (11-12-11), Likes to Sleep (11-14-11), Snuggles (11-15-11), Wants to Be Picked Up (11-17-11), Playful (11-19-11), Determined to get Food (11-21-11), Good Eye Contact (11-21-11), Cairn Run with #3 (12-01-11), Quick, Loves to Be Held, Works with #1 to Pull Carpet out of Houses while others trying to sleep (12-05-11)
#3 - Dark Purple - Female - Born 4:50 AM- First to Open Eyes (10-26-11), No Squirming (11-06-11), Nice Relaxed Yawn (11-06-11), Sleeps on #4 (11-12-11), 2nd to Fall Asleep (11-12-11), Right Pawed (11-17-11), More Sleeping (11-17-11), Looked at Me (11-19-11), Climber (11-19-11), Started Playing with Rag Bone (11-19-11), Investigating (11-19-11), Cairn Runn with #2 (12-01-11, Cuddles, More delicate but will Play with Mates, Alert, Stubborn - Not Wanting to Make Eye Contact with Me (12-05-11)
#4 - Dark Blue - Male - Born 5:26 AM (Took 3 minutes), His feet came out first and were out of the sack - sack was open, I helped push him out, Slow to get BF (11-04-11), Little Squirmy (11-06-11), Likes to Chew on #6 (11-12-11); Jumpy in his dreams (11-14-11), Like to Sleep (11-14-11), Snuggler (11-14-11), Started Playing with Rag Bone and #3 (11-19-11), Squirmy (11-19-11), Was Sleeping on the Wrong Side of the Pen Before Separating (11-24-11), Larger Not As Much Playing - Catching Up With Activity (12-05-11); Playing Not As Rough; Stubborn - Not Wanting to Make Eye Contact With Me (12-05-11)
#5 - Lt Purple - Female - Mystery Time Before 11:00AM - Didn't know she had been born until I was getting CoCo ready to go to Vet - Moonwalked (11-11-11), Chewing Teeth coming in (11-14-11); Having fun playing in boxes (11-14-11); Squirmy (11-14-11); Beat Koa in Scaling the Wall the most times (11-21-11); Cuddles, More Delicate, Probably Smaller Body, Very Alert - Watches Everything; Big Investigator; Plays well with Siblings, Pooped in Her Water Dish, Has a Hard Time Taking Shots, Loves to Scamper About in the Kitchen Investigating (12-05-11)
#6 - Green - Female - C-Section around 6:30PM - Good with Held (11-06-11); Yawned with Puppy Breath (11-06-11); 1st Asleep (11-12-11); Sleeps Behind the Crate (11-12-11), Eye Contact (11-14-11); Squirmed (11-17-11); Begs to be Picked up with Body and Eyes (11-17-11); Loves to Tear Paper (11-24-11), Probably will be smaller due to head is smaller, Sits to Beg Automatically (12-05-11)
#7 - Lt Blue - Male - C-Section around 6:30 PM - Loves to Sleep in Crate (11-06-11); Yawn with a little squeel like Flopsie (11-07-11), Likes to Sleep in Bed (11-12-11), Was Getting Picked On (11-12-11), Likes to Go After Lt Pink (11-12-11), Answered to COME (11-14-11), Snuggles (11-17-11), Climber (11-19-11), Wants to be Picked Out, Stands out in the dark ones with his color, Great Eye Contact, Likes to Be Loved, Can Hold His Own Now and Sometimes Picks on others, Sat down and Howled Tonight, Likes to Sleep Beside the Water Bowl(12-05-11)
12-04-11 Every hard to get any pictures of them because they are constantly moving. Still need to get some of the movers - #5 and #6!
12-05-11 All ears are up. All like sleeping in the boxes now - snuggling together. After get them together in kitchen, nearly all will stay together and run around island with me (a couple go in the opposite direction at times). Had hard time going to sleep tonight - wide awake and playing. All is quiet at midnight.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
For the first time, all the puppies are all in the paper "Puppy" houses sleeping this morning!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
12-03-11 Happy Birthday - 7 Weeks!
C-Section Babies: #7 Duncan kissing #6 Greenlee
#6 and #7
Boys and Koa playing tug!
#7 - Duncan has a habit of falling asleep near or in his water bowl!
#6 - She and her bothers were playing on the other side of the pen, and she was left holding the paper!
#6 - Greenlee (This little girl likes to pose for a picture. I haven't taught her to sit on command yet.)
#5 - Lavendar (Playing with me in the kitchen.)
Friday, December 2, 2011
12-01-11 Tug
Dark Purple coming out of box and Greenlee (Green) following.
The boys are working on the hose: Dark Blue and Lt Blue
Thursday, December 1, 2011
12-01-11 Cairn Run
The Cairn Run at a young age starring Lt Pink and Dark Purple. Lt Purple is trying to get some sleep while the crazy girls run around - and around - and around ....
Tug of War - Starring Lt Pink, Dark Purple, and Lt Purple
All the puppies playing with the tennis balls.
Tug of War - Starring Lt Pink, Dark Purple, and Lt Purple
All the puppies playing with the tennis balls.
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