Monday, April 30, 2012

04-21-12 Rescue Harley MacDugal (Fly Boy)

On April 21st, Sharlene and Bart flew to Centerville, Texas to bring back Dugal.  Formerly known as Dugal, then MacDugal, and now he is known as Harley MacDugal!!

I received this picture of Dugal on the 19th and posted to Facebook and spread the word that he needed a home.  A lady took the time to find someone who would find him a home instead of taking him to a pound by looking on where she connected to my Lords and Ladies Cairn Terrier breeding website.

Sharlene and Bart had a fly-in to Centerville on the 21st and picked him up!  Looks like he didn't have a problem adapting to his new life style!

Meeting new brother and sister or cousins?  The question is:  Will Sharlene's mother get him as her dog or will he live with Rowdy and Treasure?  Whoever he lives with... he is adapting well to a new pack and new backyards!

Thanks Sharlene and Bart for picking him up so fast and getting him to a safe home!