Sunday, July 22, 2012


Wow, Mom took me to Dallas to see my puppies Mommies and our babies (who are grown or growing up fast)!  Of course, they picked the hottest day in Dallas and broke a temperature high that day.  We went to see Koa and Mike first (unfotunately Candice was in East Texas - LOL).  Then, we met Lori, Bogie, and Susan for lunch at Taco Dinner on Preston.  After lunch, we went over to Susan's house to see Brandy!  When we left Susan's house, it was 104.  On the way home, it reached 106.  Right before we arrived home, Mom asked Dad to turn off the A/C before she was freezing in the car.  The temp had dipped to 100 degrees!  We noticed it immediately!  Mom will be adding video and pictures.  She started editing pictures last night.   My Belles is sitting on her lap as she works at the computer slowing her progress down a bit!  My puppies are I were very hot, so we weren't looking our best.  Maybe you will be able to see what everyone looks like at 9 months!  Hope you enjoy!!

Koa and CoCo

More to come!  Sorry it takes awhile to load and edit the pictures!