KC - She still has the silver down her nose and on her tail! Looks like she is relaxing on the kitchen countertop. I don't think Belles would be relaxing. She would be walking all over it! But then she loves me holding her tight on the sofa and going to sleep with me! Belles looks very similar, but trying to get a picture of her.
Cute description of her life:
She actually jumped into the car Friday when I came home. She loves to ride and I have purchased a dog car seat for her safety. She totally enjoys playing with her brothers Chance and Scooter and cuddles with them sometimes when they are sleeping. She is beautiful and loves her new daddy too. Like Belles, her toys do bore her at times and that is when she really goes after Chance and Scooter for playtime. They play run and tumble and tug of war a lot. She thinks Chance is the King and responds to his every move. If he goes on alert, so does she. Scooter loves to play with her when Chance will let him. Chance doesn't want to share her with him and he barks a lot if Scooter and KC are playing so I sometimes just eliminate him from the arena. Scooter watches her every move. They all come in the bathroom and lay on the floor while I get my shower. It is then most often that Scooter and KC can just lay down together peacefully.
She has learned how to use the doggy door and will go out and dig or play by herself. I have seen her just sitting by the tree watching birds and cows. If she hears her brothers bark inside she comes running, or if I call her. If they run outside as if there is an alarm, she runs to my feet and sits.
She loves helping with the dishes and laundry, grabbing a sock and taking off, or waiting til she can climb in the dryer and lay on the warm clothes. I do not mind. She often lays in the bed with me and comes and snuggles her nose in my neck if I call her. But she is just wonderful and I adore her. Thank you. All is well. Her nose is very black and she has several spots of cream and still the silver in her tail. She is doing very well with sit and down. She also knows at noon when I go home for lunch what 'do you want your treat" means and where it is, running to the storage cabinet. She patiently waits while I give the boys theirs and tell them to take them outside. Then she gets hers. She is also patient getting her vest and leash on. We walk to the mailbox often to get the mail.
Anyway, all is good and we are all in love.