Friday, May 4, 2012

05-02-12 Koa's in a Contest

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Koa has been entered in the Cutest Canine Cover contest with the Plano Profile Magazine!  Check it out!

Koa's Mom writes:

She loves her walks and this weekend we're going swimming so she can learn how to get out of the pool.  Does great on her walks with "sit" when we stop at corners, "right" and "left" when we turn now make sense.  Really loves to go after birds! Darn near caught a squirrel tail the other day but they turn on you sometimes so won't let her get that close again. All in all, getting more fun each day as we grow together.  

Weight:  14.5 lbs

Comment:  Sounds like Koa is fast like her Mom!  Mine are always at the base of the tree.  The squirrels won't come down, but do a great job of teasing the Cairns!